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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

rules are a mind-game 2/28/18

rules are the billboards of habits,
both kept or ignored.
their mind game is a cover,
unless spoken with inspiration or simple motivation.
achievement is a form of profound distraction,
easily undertaken as grounds for rule making.
if order is the account then all is eventually lost.
it is a disenfranchisement of self to be orderly.
spontaneity is cohesion for the carriage of being.
both worlds are simultaneously occurring,
while one is grounding, the other is the dressing.
go-figure happens all of the time.
be thankful that much is on automatic
yet be aware that much of that can go unconscious.
self intersession as willfulness does not get it to be real.
drawnness blesses, drivenness is eventual disappointment.
nothing underwhelms more then the lost of zeal.
rules from the heart have less of individual self
and more of the introduction to the collective,
more of self-integration into the flow of life.
feel the air, the gravity, the animation of being,
the confluence of others, the quantum of all matter,
the inter-dimensional texture of living.
rules are rituals of reoccurrence losing their cutting edge.
if oppression is the guide then reaction will surely follow.
this is all very private from within oneself.
the nomenclature of rules as dictatorial exists,
and like I said, the mind-game is the cover for that.
true order honors by flow
yet most rules enforced are produced by fear in reaction.
how strange it all is,
that mother nature breaks all of our rules by disaster
and yet we come to honor by our responses.
even if there appears to be only self-serving in deeds.
maybe survival is a reset for the use of rules
and the opportunity to be more conscious in doing so . . .

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

relinquish the audience of being 2/27/18

whatever it’s going to be,
I skim the sensory surface.
I get seated in an understanding,
none of which deeply applies
but my life has guardrails,
as immediate recognition is my religion.
it seems unrealization is my addiction,
to make decisions as if a sign of relevance occurred
yet thriving on superficial confirmation
and depiction for audience approval.
this begged assumption starts with separatism
and an insatiable need to reconnect with false sincerity
and not know any better but to name it and story.
authenticity is an accident but when it happens
I am reduced to phenominalizing post hoc
as the currency of the immediate moment.
I am the placard of animation feverishly waving
from where I am stolen from myself.
I want to give you reason
and the apparencies of circumstance
in exchange for deeper vibrational presence between us.
make me admit my truth by being beyond, as you are,
then I convince myself by what I see in you,
knowing it is me, coming forth out of self permission
that you foster by being in a deeper way, my reflection.
but I would never say that to you to your face
none of us actually would,
it’s so outside the format declared.
so much is beyond the grasp of happening awareness.
the movement gathers no traction to be poignant
but it deeply is without the need of confirmation ever.
my every moment features
the supreme energetic awareness of birth
as well as the grand vibrational summary in death.
neither now plays straight away.
I find it shocking
that each moment is the whole two movies
and yet I have to watch it over and over,
advancing the script, looking for the subtlety of source.
I would ask you to pray for us
but that reinforces an ignorance we seem to thrive upon.
so if I realize that you are born
and are dying in each moment before me,
I make the possibility of sacredness come alive in me
not to honor or feel sorrow
but to also live and died richly so
without the assumed drama and the run off of claims.
this quality of intimacy has no audience.
I am more of a pouring presence
and we are a liquidity that reality cannot formally feature.
once accomplished, I realize our oneness outside of time.
I wish the friction-to-flame with those who are present
and relinquish the audience of being.
no more the delivery of sensory as prominent,
just forever fluid, coming as if channeled pouring through,
diversity in the sea of oneness flowing . . .

Monday, February 26, 2018

a case for ‘be’ 2/26/18

you need to ‘be’ at what you are compelled to do,
allowing drawnness to be the delivery
as passion set into breath that feeds the whole of you,
working with the all of it, without the need for details.
particulars escort the confluence as occurring.
what looks like timing is actually happening
yet no audience needed for acknowledgment.
each second of being is only and always that way.
radiance meeting unseen radiance is our dance,
without this as vision, we only have sidedness to guide us.
‘is’ will care for its own since we tend to be ‘it’ bound.
all of the ‘it’ are only posers, selfies in our own eyes.
we freeze-frame the now in just that fashion.
please know there are no selfies of ‘be’ ever taken.
self-consciousness need not apply as relevant.
‘be’ only channels through the instrument of an us.
so do ‘be’ and not be ‘do’ . . .

Sunday, February 25, 2018

rituals of oneness 2/25/18

the dogs of knowledge fight over the meat of us
personal interest is splattered in many directions
the walls of awareness are covered in reactive memories
can hear the howlings inside us as we are the captives
feel for the struggle of breathing clean air
an intake without oppression as the invading smell
why have a mind if refuse is all that is offered
everything ingested seems to have a mind game to it
touch is like an island of dream-redemption, so far away
disaster, as an awakening, is the only prayer we honor
graphic and over-demonstrated seems to appeal
the act-outs gather in a collective force of concern
the one-time audience doesn’t matter, as now players do
blessedly, there is no score but for wellbeing and survival
what has happened to common mind outside of chaos?
concern, whatever the distance makes the oneness real
so the teapot of alarm gets sipped,
every empathy cup is nourishing
we are always the rituals of oneness
yet to be declared . . .

Saturday, February 24, 2018

a conclusionary existence 2/24/18

we are deeply ensconced in a mind-bog
a closet of conclusions that firmly adore us
a threadbare wardrobe of verbal weaponry
amoebas of thought-consequence
that breed a projected landscape of conclusions
a knighthood of reactive-defense in residence
we all speak conclusion as if it is native tongue
a woven carpet of premises for protection’s call
where by tone only escorts the technicalities raised by talk
dueling in syllables as conclusions are fencing with foils
conclusions confront the now to be made over
into that which was already perceived from the past
expectations join forces to support that cause
spontaneity is an outlier in demand but facing resistance
unrehearsed as a state of being is hard to come by
conclusions live a migratory life day by day
in a state of appraisal, as an acquired skill, that lives within
conclusions take stances, impose perceptions as reign
hard to be free from within as conclusions abound
conclusion-speak is a way of life, superficially successful
in that light, we are a species kept in conclusion’s zoo
free spirits may find it a bit difficult to take flight then land
everything identifiable is already spoken for by conclusions
everything legal is as if by law a conclusion’s paradise
yet conclusions do not produce the nectar we all seek
we search to sip the beyond even if as to drink alone
new thought has no home-base residence to speak of
new feel is only a diary entry done without the use of words
eventually conclusionary is but burdensome to carry on
we need a new language base usage that does not conclude
how can that be?
a life beyond the syntactical basis of conclusion’s origin
could that ever be vocal in nature?
could language usage ever be only a capella-additive?
where agreement isn’t a mindful decision but more so a be?
how deep would we have to go to get to where
we are that consciousness of one?
a conclusionary existence preforms as prohibitive to that.
maybe conclusionary is mindful existence
while living is more the art of feelings in coalesce
set free . . .

Friday, February 23, 2018

experience of the experiencer 2/23/18

the experience of the experiencer
and behind all that
what wide gaze would that take
not wide like 360
but deep-wide
as dimensions generally unrevealed
got to
so I get the feel and demeanor of experience
the preoccupation with highs and lows
the storyboard, the story line
and the reality production to fill the day
sure, there is a great sense to the highs
and a deeper sense to the lows
hoping they don’t compensate for each other
as a way of life
as in living for the highs to avoid the lows
what land of me creates that journey ongoing?
no not that,
I am now interested in the experiencer
more importantly, the sensory intake goes to where?
the animation fills what of me by my doing?
is this the payoff for expectations?
is this the formula for my happy state?
all of these reality techniques to fill my day
but who of me
sits somewhat behind this the experiencer.
there are remarks made occasionally from back there.
some sort of surmise
and sometimes cynical responses.
they, those that have voices
seem like more than one of me.
lots of viewpoints interjected into the ongoing
but not caring or caught-up in the obviousness.
it all seems like old hat to them,
like party fill-blah
or on the edge of boredom’s account of living.
sort of solemn
but also earnest and wishfully caring.
when I catch a remark from back there,
it does not start a dialogue.
I seem to be invisible
and yet constantly talked about.
I have to go there to hear them,
more of the time.
they are so seasoned at experience
that it is a given.
a yawner, a view beyond the worth of theme.
just shuffling along in character as contracted by others.
they don’t have much need for most of those people.
they come out in voice more
when I am alone and quiet.
not that the other doesn’t occur
but I am less attentive then.
so here we are
and I am onto their version of my living.
they have vested interest to leverage
for which I have discovered
by my drivenness to act out!
my sense of this
is a form of frustration turned into venting.
usually I can figure what and where
this has origin in me.
at some point
they are all disgruntled on my experience bus
they are all sort of reality buzzards
in search of a meal
rarely would they want a conversation outside of inner me
I feel safe about that
but I wanted more and deeper insight
these people as experiencers of me are platitudinous
they are just leaches and pirates readily at hand
I wanted even deeper of a view
I wanted to connect with the highflyers and the inspired
those places in me
that come out of nowhere to be present
they come to produce experience
from some place else
maybe even outside of time
but still get what’s going on
they are not on the take
but more causal in nature
they want for me to be or do
and move me accordingly
so where are they all from
and how do they know me?
there are no introductions
but it all is too a familiar given
they get me to act like me
but for them as me
maybe they are me
and this is a lifetime of discovery
anyways, back there experience has no frontal
it seems like a speeding conveyor belt without particulars
just all moving along and energetically happening
hard to experience in a traditional way
sort of like standing in a fast moving stream of water
and experiencing the water that hits me
but also aware of the water
going rapidly past around me
can’t use direct contact as my means of knowing
it’s kind of abstract
if I want to make it like it is here
but it so feels like home
without the head-trip to boot
it’s method is so foreign,
I don’t want to call it experience
maybe a knowingness without proof
but lots of feeling
when I am there
the time thing seems very useless, not real
I could be lifetimes in the making
and now, the presentation
little of it feels like input
but mostly it is coming out of me
I could say fantasy
but that is too confusing to claim
it is more like a wide scope on now
without time restraints
in some respects
not even the same person of me or personality
but still me in some deep and significant way
generally the experiencer gets suckered into a now context
and that’s all that matters
in a seen it done it been there way.
this is not like that
and not restrained in that kind of way
it is hard to be a person
with this sense of depth awareness
one could be crazy to bring it up in-mention terms
but behind the experience of the experiencer is happening
do we ever have permission
to dwell in awareness there?
doubt it, can’t say it is boring,
more questions than answers
it kind of sneaks up on you
if you are inclined that way
most would not give it a second thought
and not sure that thinking is really the way to go.
maybe it is a mind-fade of sorts
and a sneak-witness of self
either way, it is rich beyond what experience offers
even though the claim is
you are only experiencing anyway
I sense that far enough back there,
no words can account
you definitely have entry
if you can find the time
that exists outside of time . . .

Thursday, February 22, 2018

making landfall 2/22/18

making landfall in my heart
been on a sweep without any floor
motion sickness yet standing still
budding roses that never come to bloom
up for air just another negative fragrance reminder
the shadow of habits ever embracing
walls closing in by standing firm
security as if in a sense of clutching
finally the mind-fill is at bay

making landfall in my heart
discovery is a change in light perspective
all of motion surrounds in the glow of sound
rootedness is ever working at the art of expression
the sheep of habits are grazing in a golden meadow
ever the ascension step by step onward
all of structure reflecting glorious rays of insight
meeting new moments in a warmth of embrace
thoughts takes a seat while heart evolves the dancer

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

beautiful (haiku) 2/21/18

all beauty captured
as if by conclusion’s work

denies its essence

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

promise from the focus land 2/20/18

promise from the focus land,
feeding on images before me.
naming all the familiars has a calming effect.
settling into a soft boredom.
curiosity gets the visual pointer out,
declaring foreground and back.
conclusions register as bland.
even wind-aided as a visual enterprise
does not hold attention for very long.
idle landscape overwhelms with the obvious.
any animation gets a stir of short interest.
there is almost a mind-fade
as the exterior world passes the lack of interest test.
mesmerized is the external visual holding pattern,
thoughts as images juxtapose.
latent with memories gets a chance at rediscovery.
feelings paddle along in the mix.
there is potential looming
but it functions in waste-high boredom.
the list is checked at to what to do.
listless tends to organize at this time.
any fallback option could come to the surface.
but then, oh a surprise,
a deeper focus asks,
who of me is doing being bored?
taking focus back into intrigue.
who of me sort of offers that up
as the only option at hand?
wait, how does that work?
how do I do being bored?
where in me is that coming from?
tracking back, what else is there going on?
hanging out in this room of me
made up of assumptions that I hardly address.
some sense of me holds that all together as a constant,
a gather sense of self living in conclusions made
and supposedly spoken for from within.
there must be dozens of requests denied in here.
nothing spontaneous could happen.
everything is slow drying invisible self-goo.
how does this boredom get made?
and why am I housing it so strongly?
well it’s definitely made from conclusions
and they are kept current as some sort of protection,
some sort of don’t go or don’t do or don’t think about it.
it’s hard for a new thought to have a life in here.
it is as if my bags are packed to go nowhere
and that appears to be the secret but evident plan.
damn, I’m just going to lay back here
and watch boredom do its thing.
this is remarkable and embarrassing.
this has probably been here for, decades.
where and how did I learn this boredom thing so well?
I am self-stunned.
I am buzzing and nothing external is happening.
I am going to re-watch the look out of my eyes
with the whole internal mind game at play
and discover who is doing what for me internally.
who would have thought that focus was such a gift.
this is a deeper layer, like a meta-discovery.
this is travel but in a new and different way.
there are surprises and discoveries all around.
it’s like I have a tree-house and a spy-cam
all inside me and all the time I need to play.
what is happening to my boring life?
I have a river raft to float above the boredom
and a sky hawk as internal to watch over my shoulder-me
and the inner journey is on . . .

Monday, February 19, 2018

comparative truth (haiku) 2/19/18

comparative truth
is a crutch to walk further

but still in circles