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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

it’s the law 12/19/17

law is really only a mind gland
that secretes demands for declarations,
full of assumptions expressed in definitive claims,
declares positions of either defense or assertion,
exists as, a believed-to-be line in the sand, seduction
law is a prairie-view failure of human connectivity,
a prescription for fear, publicly administered,
a script of small-minded abuse and its history,
the recital of heartlessness, formally expressed.
reptilian brain-mentality more easily administers law
and its cursive backstory presentation of human failures
as a narrative about complex unconsciousness,
the front face of billboards, advertising order,
the failure of education for human dignity
and the art of ventilation from subterfuge.
law builds windowless houses from stillborn principles
as the vaccination for or against the guilt principle,
functions for lab rat type of failures then modified
has critical-mind type of preoccupancy,
is the first principle of disagreement offered,
bargains for interpretation’s grief personified
and is a myopia, when deeper principles are ignored.
law and spirit of the law do not share nose hairs.
law, when passed is presumptuous,
when enacted, has a timeline-prejudice functioning,
masks authority, celebrating hidden agendas
and is the failure of humans
to be collectively present and conscious in the moment,
is certainly more reputational than abiding
and has an aftertaste, no matter how vaguely applied.
law is an axiom to most situations when consciousness fails
and is an art-form of reductionism overused to justify.
we are not talking law of attraction or the law of gravity
we are talking compositional law, 
that humans made up as law, written law,
that would be the laughing stock of the universe.
it exemplifies how far we have come absentmindedly
and to what scale burdensome still mindfully exists.
law is an artifact used as a flashlight in a darken room
where there is lack of light as mindfulness,
as light-heartedness, as lightness of being.
when in dumbfounded doubt, reach for the law . . .

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