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Tuesday, September 5, 2017

is the new 9/5/17

go-pro is the new self-intimacy
binge-watching is the new all-nighter
every latest app is the new electrical outlet on the brain
police brutality is the new, he said she said
driving is the new multi-tasking experiment
national politics is the new acute intestinal illness
eminent is the new publicity weight
trolling is the new signed, anonymous
stalled in traffic is the new self-introspection
social media is the new can-I-get an Amen
gender bias is the new venereal disease
truth telling is the new video gone viral
black coffee is the new federal witness protection program
free college education is the new
     playground in the neighborhood
handwriting a letter is the new ancient custom revisited
announced victimhood is the new rubber stamp without ink
pro sports apparel is the new identity crisis attire
self-driving Teslas is the new itch to scratch
running a marathon is the new
     intimately staring in the mirror
yoga is the new self-conscious first, slow dance
crying in public is the new outreach program
topic is the new article of clothing imagined as if tried on
weight loss is the new confessional penance
imminent is the new wait
a public proposal ceremony is the new love is everywhere
political figures is the new graffiti in the public restrooms
time spent on line is the new species preening behavior
contract signed is the new distortion of the fine print past
God’s will is the new public honorable impotency stance

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