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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

the crux of the matter 11/18/15

Mass, for us, has potential notoriety,
and we thrive on that for sensory prejudice.
We claim ‘the living and the dying’
as our testament.
Our human account is buoyantly floating
on the ocean of the ever-change.
We made up the crop of facts
and the harvest of information as relevant, 
basically only for us.
We live in the slew of incidentals,
the factual fantasy as impotency,
and the myopia of self-consciousness,
all of which we richly endow, as life.
The issue isn’t really that we see for certain, 
the forest for the trees
or the trees for the forest;
it is really more about
that we easily see of the matter
and little of the non-matter,
or the gross more easily from the subtle,
or the applied logic rather than
the irrationality of the universe.
We falsely would want the grossness of habit 
to be the wardrobe of the universe’s soul.
We seem to claim that observation
should have a legitimate front row seat
at everything we can thing name,
that human intelligence is the voice
of truth-candor,
and that understanding is
the bare bones of that truth.
Death and extinction are more about audience 
in audience’s terms,
and that reality, by our version,
is really temporal lottery tickets of winnings, 
on a short terms basis.
And that we tend to survive,
based on our fondness for secrecy
and our favoritism for stress.
We are of the light
but claim to be wick-witted.
Our notion of experience is but a still camera, 
taking pictures committed to memory retention 
and then trading those photos
back and forth amongst ourselves.
Yet we all take private time,
away from the convention
of these as comparative truths.
We all sing in the choir
produced by the evidence of mass.
We all inherently molecularly recycle
on a tentative basis.
Our mind-full-ness is a wave,
as a weave of coming and going,
in the ocean of our beings.
The Now, functions by rules,
we have no capacity to grasp.
We are in that Now and of that Now
but often in a marionetted
or puppeteer style of display.
In many instances of our existence,
our species nametags are larger
and more evident
than the apparel we wear them on.
In lots of circumstances,
we as a species,
claim the death of our battery life
is the death of our living.
Living by the book is the ever-font
from the past,
giving us a rational account
that is the insistence for the use
of handrails of conclusions.
The essential use of speech is more valuable tonally 
then informational,
yet we doubt that tonal is
heart-mind outside of time.
We, as humans, can all breathe in the Now
but few can sense into the entirety.
Experience of itself
is the shackles of perception,
so metaphorically binding.
To be in words, presumes a launch pad
that is never left behind
and all of speech is still standing there, 
presumed to be the sundials of future time, 
presenting as tall barons of shadow
in the procession of our future as recognition. 
Forever is a free-fall
and we claim parachutes are in demand.
And yes, if an army of ants built an archway 
over a four-lane freeway,
we would build a city of observation
right there, on the spot,
yet learn little of their collective heart
on display
and that would be an example
of the crux of the matter . . .

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