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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

questions’ galore * 12/11/13

Was there ever real?
Who made up definite
and what is it made of?
Is recollection a memory snitch
or a time bandit?
Is reality our species enabler?
Why did we make mass so prominent
so that it becomes like cataracts to inner vision?
Are we in sensory denial of energetic truth?
Why did we create creation?
Is it because we story as necessary baggage?
Are we linearly shackled
from the magnificence of the whole?
Why does awareness seem prejudicial in excess?
Isn’t experience really just a false currency
that we heavily invest in?
Is comparative truth really a prison
with invisible walls that are just further away
then our attention spans attend?
Isn’t recognition kind of a dumb-down
to the open ended possibilities?
Is greater truth in our collective blind spot?
Isn’t everything sort of made of glass in that we just can’t see into it as easily as we look pass it?
Is enlightened economics just too difficult
of a truth for everyone to share?
Worst of all,
where do we go from here once we realize
here is only a launch pad to there
and there is only a future here all over again?

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