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Friday, November 15, 2013

the book on efforting as epitaph c 4 * 11/15/13

chapter four: philosophic demise

Efforting is what duck tape would attempt
to do as a circus act. 
Efforting is a strip search
for the elephant in the room.
Efforting is an override of pleasure’s journey.
Efforting is a rudeness to the benefits of being.
Efforting is a dishonesty to true disposition.
Efforting flushes earnestness out of endeavor.
Efforting is trapping a full-blown sneeze
in a close-mouth block gesture.
Efforting is what a yawn
dismissively curses at ad nauseum.
Efforting is jazz music played
too fast and too loud.
Efforting is when the Iditarod of the mindscape 
has made everything into a race.
Efforting produces a garage full of conclusions
with little interest and fading memorable value.
Efforting steals from inspiration and makes 
everything covered with the lacquer of task.
Efforting makes the eating of popcorn continuously 
more important than the enjoyment of the movie.
Efforting flatscreens reality into the story of doing 
and center stage as the result.

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