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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Seven dates with breath 6th * 11/28/13

sixth date

I breathe. I breathe. I breathe, and breathe
and breathe and breathe some more . . .
One of these days “Gusto Trust”
will be my thought-form coach.
Gusto will say things like;
“we are in the now, by how we think.
Any what will do,”
or “life is our dictionary, constantly rewriting itself
by our style of attended animation,”
or “the senses are our emissaries and storytellers
in service to those of us who use beliefs
as their market place”
or “only we, as a species, intend the weave
of time as our obligation”
or this, Gusto might say “trust greets experience
with spacious frames
around the distant silhouettes of expectation.”                                                       
Wow, what are these remarks to me(?),
but to wash away where meaning was once afloat.
This is as the way of stone,
sinking through my liquid memory.
My nervous system slipstreams with the wash, 
enough for me to say,
“what draws me, eventually finds me” . . .

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