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Friday, September 13, 2013

Can you ‘beyond-think’? * 9/13/13

Imagine if you accidentally stumbled consciously 
into your own thought center.
I mean that place within where 
your thinking generates thoughts, 
sort of like a war room in your mind bunker, 
presumably inside your head. 
Well maybe it is a series of rooms, linked together. 
There is a strategic room, an esthetic room, 
a compassion room, a complaint room,
and an emotional mood room. 
Well, at your own discretion, as many 
and varied rooms as you have 
in a composite fashion that comprises 
the think potential of you! 
And they, the they of you, who do all 
of that think work and subsequent dialogue 
for you, don’t really notice you 
in this type of observation. 
Sort of like a fly on the wall or a big screen 
made up of the hidden cameras 
in each room revealing. 
So this is both startling and astounding 
but you make the necessary witness adjustment 
and absorb into the process in real time. 
Yes, your are both the think in action 
and also the witness to it all.
Of course, out of a curiosity, 
you start to tinker with the process 
from the witness point of view. 
God help you if they discover what you are doing. 
But you have calmed down enough now 
so that you can sort of multitask 
without tipping your hand. 
No tells seep directly into the think arena of you. 
This kind of re-dimensionalizes your sense 
of scale, and portrayal. 
You begin to wonder who are the who of you. 
In some instances you don’t really remember 
how certain parts of your think got to be that way. 
Maybe not even clearly recognizable 
as intended or assigned! 
Some parts, I mean rooms, seem absolutely fluid 
with other rooms in their think work ethic 
while others seem to be at odds ongoing. 
You wonder, yes, a wonder of a kind, 
but quite privately and in a very low-key, 
how the hell does that happen? 
You don’t want to make a stir out this. 
Actually, to put it in oversimplified terms, 
you want to get a sense of the mission statement 
they commonly share as the think of you. 
After all, they are sort of like the broadcast media 
of your being and they make up, edit, 
direct and present the projection of you 
going out to the public 
on all the channels available as you. 
Well, not that they are you, 
but that they do you to the physical world. 
Hey I’m not saying you’re a schizoid, 
I mean all humans are basically functional this way. 
This is just an unusual view that doesn’t happen 
for most people very directly 
in this extended and pronounced fashion. 
So, here you are tampering, 
out of a kind of curiosity, as to what is going on, 
and goodness, is there a more profound purpose 
than just mingling!??
Yes, at some point, all of those 
previous spontaneous questions you had 
about the meaning of life, the existence of a God, 
the point of your personal existence, etc, 
will somehow intrude into this 
observation slash tinkering secret process 
and get brought up as if by plaintiff inquiry. 
You may even appear to yourself to be 
both the mischievous and the innocence of you 
both at the same time 
in an all-important secret self-inquiry. 
So the quest, as in the form of a question 
that you might be formulating at this level is, 
can you beyond-think? 
Can you be in a residence behind or beyond 
the think of you and get conscious and clear 
about the who of you and the how of you 
and therefore the be of you going forward in your life? 
Hey it’s a witness option and you have 
the dimensional capacity to source it ongoing. 
So what up? Can you (?), 
beyond-think into your oneness of being?

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