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Friday, January 18, 2013

the bearing of bother * 1/18/13

Beingness is useless
to the mind of inquiry.
Revelation, as a method,
is hired by a party
consciously within oneself
who cannot benefit
from the results obtained
but can become a custodian
of what they claim
and keepsake it
as a proclamation
of or towards understanding
yet it is without true
transformational merit.
Example, I now know the name
and location of a river
but I am not part of its flow.
Another, I can be contextual
about the prison of my circumstance
but I cannot express the depth
of my being in evidence.

If I sense enormity,
I am by summary it seems
away from it.
What I experience
is a resultive existence.
What it is that is actually happening,
cannot be confined to account
or confirmation or register
as my experience.
I am the now
but my experience of now
is a sampling in a tokenism way.
The way that knowing is constructed
to function in and as person,
is a denial of a person’s presence
as a being.
Knowing is a false sense of locality,
reference and function.
Knowing is like dying skin cells
at the surface of the being,
evident but in the last stages
of efficiency and affect.
We commingle as if we are leaves
on ideological trees of cultural themes
in civilized forests.
Seasons come and go.
There are roots and trunks
and canopy,
yet now is non-cyclic
and all of mass manifests
as essentially one.
Our sensory input,
when mind consciously usurped,
is by depiction.
The subsequent embrace
leads to eventful accounts
but not timeless immersion
that has no telling or after affects.
You cannot visit now as an experience.
Now has no events and no story.
We are reductionistic to think
and live in mentally equivalent modeling
as our versionary truth.
Therefore, I cannot have hurt
without details to celebrate.
I cannot have pain
without locality.
I am not any of myself
as I claim.

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