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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thought versus thinking * 12/6/12

Thinking is spitting out quips
and side bar remarks
while thoughts are arriving at a sense
that was already there
and making it now
first person presentable.
In a synesthesia way,
thinking is breezy
while thoughts have
more of a page turning,
photo album way
of coming to the fore.
Thinking is more like bees,
busy in a hive
while thoughts are more like
koi fish in a pond, surfacing.
Thinking has a need
for understanding to accompany it
as sort of bodyguard-historians,
while in the express mode,
where as thoughts already have
the icing of understanding applied
when thought-presenting takes place.
Thinking may have taken
the wrong street driving
while thoughts took
the wrong parking spot.
Thoughts have more
of a billboard quality,
while thinking has more
of a one minute
charcoal etch-a-sketch quality. 
Thinking always eats on the run
while thoughts sit at the table
to ingest and imbibe.
Thinking is running in a field
where the grass is taller
than one self
to see where one is going
while thoughts are riding a mower
while cutting the lawn, again.
Thoughts are like
an experiential etiquette
for the mind
while thinking has
a composting atmosphere to it.
Thinking is crayons
in a hot little mind-hand
across an aware page
while thoughts are like
picking individual photos
out of a tall stack
or photo album book.
Thinking is like being
in a confessional
and singing that song
that is constantly running
in the back of your mind
with made up lyrics
in the moment,
while thought in a confessional
is relating a timely story
about an incident, now anecdotal,
that had historically occurred.
Thinking has very few roads signs
to abide by
while thought travels on boulevards
and looks for arterials.
Thinking, when done
with little self-consciousness,
can approach the now inadvertently
and have innovative inhales
for unexpected rewards
while thoughts can
get tourists passes
and view the exhibits of a now
with a sense of facsimile.
Thinking is a cross breed
between tuna,
who are always under water
and on the move to live,
with otters, who when surfacing,
are always curiously at play,
while thoughts are more like
a lighthouse in a fading fog.
Thinking is like the footprints
on the edge of ankle deep water,
inadvertently splashing,
even as running along the beach
with the waves lapping
every think-stride as it goes,
while thoughts are like
a bulletin board mind-full
of memorable post-its
which has been reality blown
so hard that the post-its are now 
everywhere on the ground
of forgotten-ness 
waiting for come-to-mind pick up
and re-ordering to occur.
Thinking is more like
a bird’s use of their eyes
while thought is more like
the same bird’s use of its beak.
Makes you wonder.
Do you think that
I have thought about this,
too much?

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