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Sunday, December 9, 2012

thought is not think part 2 * 12/9/12

Following words
back to their think-source
won’t get us anywhere close.
That is like smelling a soup broth
and coming up with more words
but not the soup itself!
There are other means
for exploration available.
Intuition seems to be
much closer to think
but it tends to function
like a flash camera
or vision by lightning.
Yes, intuition puts out
but we, in thought spectatorship,
are not really well prepared
for the irregularity of it
when it comes through.
And it does give out
a slightly different kind
of information to boot.
Intuition will jump
paragraphs ahead
of the current reality drama,
and say stuff
which seems out
of rationally confined context.
Still, it is closer to think
in origin than thought.
Even further out there
is self channeling,
where you sort of say
without the benefit
of censorship,
what you don’t
comfortably know.
Like it is whispered to you
or through you
and you say it out loud
to someone else.
Remember, no self-censorship,
no editing to an audience fit.
You just blurt it out there
and others will think it’s you.
That gets you closer to think
without the verbal guardianship
of proper or appropriate.
This gets us to another way
of searching for think
and that is to study
self in internal censorship.
All of those imposed rules
before speech
can be safely uttered.
What are they for
and where to they come from
and what do they do to think
before it gets to speech
and maybe even
before it gets to words?

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