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Saturday, December 8, 2012

thought is not think part 1 * 12/8/12

Thought is a byproduct of think,
a distinct relative of think.
Think, as a technique
of brain function,
has lots of offshoots
and subsequent downloads
as well as working together
accomplices in the art
and in the act of think.
Think may well wear the shoes
of language to speak,
but inside those shoes
of verbal communication
are those woven layered socks
of pronunciation, articulation,
accountability, and sensibility.
There lies a deeper stance
in which think occurs.
We don’t get to be conscious
in the workroom or the war room
of think as it is happening.
We can hardly sense
how it happens at all!
We basically get what is posted.
Blurbs may appear as words.
Oh sure there is the hum
from that distant room inside
where it is really happening.
We can sense that somehow
and for most of our lives,
we take it for gravity-granted.
Think, sort of takes direction
but still processes on its own.
Some people’s think
appears as precise or efficient
from an outer world perspective.
In the conversation reality,
way removed from think,
the products of think,
as they appear can get
all kinds of discerning approval,
at least for what it shows of it self!
To witness think
is harder than
searching outer space.
How does one attempt
to witness think,
well self think that is,
and get in?
It is swift and slippery
and we don’t seem to be
sensory equipped to go inward
that way well at all.

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