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Monday, December 10, 2012

thought is not think 3 of * 12/10/12

How strange can it be
to look at what is coming in
as thoughts separate from think
yet getting shaped and adjusted
so that appropriate speech
can be made as conversation.
In disaster situations,
some people revert to being
mostly think
and very little thought
while others become
mostly thought
and very little think.
Think is a harvester
from the context at hand,
while thought reacts
based on what was,
as expectations have come
to sabotage the immediacy
of efforts to the cause.
If we could swim up the stream
of laughter, ever so quickly
to the point
of the infectious stimulation
and see how and what
is happening as think right there,
we might get a much deeper insight
and richer understanding
of think at work.
And lastly, if all of consciousness
Was a constancy 
of new snow falling,
and think was an expression
of original tracks being made
in that ever falling snow
and thoughts were traveling
over those noticeable tracks
already in the snow,
then we could come to understand
how nostalgia is
a lot like shoveling snow
off of the driveway
we think we are!
But then,
think doesn’t know
about the driveway,
only thoughts do . . .

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