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Saturday, October 27, 2012

value * 10/27/12

Value has had a facelift.
It has left behind
the real costs of materials,
production and sales
and now has ventured
into the psychology
of the purchaser
to determine essentially
whatever the market will bare
as the beauty of its selling price.
In some instances,
it is the psychology of coveting
or of long renowned scarcities
but now it can be public buzz
or media exploits into farcical truth
and of course the traditional,
truth concealed.
These areas of new inquiry research,
as investment into the psychology
of how value functions,
are “exploitables” for profit. 
The repercussions or retractions
are minor in a collusion of like kind
for profit industry.
Industries themselves compete
against other industries world wide
for attention and the bottom line.
Value as it is so disguised to you,
can make the unknown profit shadow 
monumental as opposed to
percentage of proposed selling price.
Purchase price is
a psychological profile test
successfully completed.
Some product or services
pass the test while others fail.
It is a constant quiz,
every purchase is an answers.
Value is a form of I.Q. test
and we all living
the fill in the blanks of that stature.
Profit is reading poker tells,
every purchase as a turn.
In fact every bit of attention given
is now becoming a turn.
Media, as a business, depends on it.
Value is becoming an identity crisis
of consumption.
It is a trial and error method
of studying the brain
in a functional sense.
The curiosity is for profit.
Once we become
a creature of resourcefulness
and not of content,
the whole model,
much like a house of cards,
will collapse.
Not that value will end.
But value, by its nature,
will now be more fluid
and interactively ongoing.
Presence rather than product
will weigh more heavily
in an ongoing basis of being.
Value will transcend the tools.
Charisma and passion
will be a functional benefit
present in value.
No more the junkyard dogs
of religion or art
as a displacement
of inner energetic honesty.
That authenticity
will have permission
to be shared more directly
than capitalism can displace
into profit would then be
our method of culture.
Value then becomes a language
of appreciative communing,
expressively so.
As that unfolds,
like attracts like,
as a way of life . . .
Value then
is more what you
present tense embrace
rather than
what you past tense,
memorably cherish . . .

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