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Sunday, October 7, 2012


Understanding is a death trap.
When you finally understand,
just like a photo still shot shoot,
it's history!
but fastly disappearing
beneath the flash flood of now.
Can't get a grip
in a swift current
without this potential
of slippage.
Just like my hand
out the window
of a fast moving car,
grabbing at what(?)
this is way worse
than a dog substitute
for my hand!
His nose affixed,
he is in reverie, sniffs,
computes, and moves on.
But for me,
I feel sensations 
but nothing to say . . .
like I am skywriting
in a fog bank.
Sacred geometry,
all around me weeps,
for understanding’s life
is imperviously so,
oh yes, duly noted
and proceeding,
but in a deeper sense,
Chaos has to be
a slap in the head,
that puts me in
a firefight of attention,
get the animation of my blood
dedicated to the now
and not just ordering
from the seen it, done it,
been there, menu.
Are you (!) understanding me
or am I
just on your menu?

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