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Saturday, June 16, 2012

the feathers of forever 6/16/12

The talons

of inner voiced self criticisms

sit poised on accountability's perch.

Wide eyes connect

with every oncoming

dart directed casting eye,

readiness meets up with

every curious mind's revving.

Personage responds to every frisk

of dialogue for motives.

Yet smoldering lives

behind congeniality's three veil juggle.

For centuries of repetitious banishment

have calloused over our souls.

The inner fire is tended

but the bruising of existence

is a constant cloudbank.

Misery has many campsites

in a wanderer's fix for stability.

In a way, almost any snake in alarm

will stealthily recoil

behind the face it is revealing.

But what is a ‘self’

if in a sea of oneness?

Has each grain of beach sand,

as a solemn oath from the mountain,

respectfully submitted

to the grinding down?

Is the ocean of oneness

that much of a dream

that never ends,

in which each grain is

an intimate morsel of surrender?

Is each grain

becoming the rock once again

but without the claim,

but as a fluid mountain of presence

without the need for form as majesty?

What, is there no need for

solidification's evidential enterprise?

How empty do we have to become,

to give up the rhetoric and posture,

to become a slip of the tongue

as a lifetime,

to be a stillborn twinkle

in someone's eye

and have merited

safe oneness passage?

Where have we signed on

and did not have knowing

do the work?

I want to tell everyone,

we are the conveyor belt

of an illusory self propulsion,

we are the metaphor

of space/time gravy,

poured outwardly as the masses,

we are the dignity

of rigid indifference melting down,

we are the hysteria

of right-answer immediacy

without soul depth’s migratory means,

we are the tauntings from aloneness

hawking an audience of like kind,

we are the rosary beads

who undress

with each prayerful fondling,

we are the life cycle of all skin

with insights beyond our stay,

we are the consumptive passion

that leaves no evidence in its play,

we are the light beings

who travel far by self-inclusion,

we are the invisible flame

without the need for any oxygen,

self-promised our votive rights.

Yet the wee grains

from mountain masses

to the beach do dissolve!

When is dust almost all electrical

and reflect more than

the auric dance of subtlety

rather than the populous of confetti

that celebrates as fanfare in the wind?

For yet still,

in the confluence of oneness,

we are the feathers of forever,

( across the brow of form ) . . .

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