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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Self as consciousness * 3/20/12

Self as consciousness

is access to the edit room.

It makes real life

into a potential movie site.

Themes born from expectations

become priorities.

Creation is reduced

to image management.

Social media only adds

a flavoring for subplots.

I was myself

and I grew to be a brand.

I am now a prisoner

of popularity’s role,

in that I savor what you favor.

I have become a puppeteer

of self-guesstimation.

Yes, guess-estimate-shun!

Can we keep it to a roar

and not a full blown rodeo?

Can we keep it to a hum

and not a roller coaster roar?

Can we have self as consciousness

and not be lost within it?

Hey, we are just another species

with a tale.

Yes, we tell

while they employ theirs.

Prehensile, us?

Well, only with our tongues . . .

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