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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Darkness part 2 of 2 1/26/12

(a suggestion is that

between each question,

take some time

to fully immerse/image

what is being asked,

for in depth enjoyment

before reading on.)

So then, to further ask,

how dark as if by shading,

from whence does

a darkness appear?

What internal sensitivity is evoked

to call it a darkness?

Is this sense of darkness

coming to you, by whelm,

or by a mood?

Is this sense of darkness

but yet, a featureless frame,

more occupancy as background,

nothing as stage front?

Is darkness reflective,

always as in response?

Or is darkness a projection,

working towards a resemblance?

What is this thing

in the mind

that lives as darkness?


Does darkness exist

and mutely not ever look back?

Does darkness ever really have

its own say?

Is there,

any essential character

to darkness when it is involved?

Or is darkness only taken to be,

a messenger,

an appraisal,

a judgment,

or a decree?

Is darkness the black hole

of all metaphors,

but yet unrealized?

Is darkness possibly majestic

by inference,

perhaps powerful

by being comprehensively unseen?

Is darkness a seizure

that we have given a name?

Or is darkness just like all words

as the props of persistent rumors,

nurturing reputations that do not die

and investments in self-expression

that live by their utility

in name only?

And lastly,

does darkness ever call out . . .

for more of itself?

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