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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How soon is now?

How soon is now?

It is ever so immediate

and yet evidentially unaccounted for.

It could easily be expected

yet undoubtedly presumption’s overlook.

It is on us before identification’s fix

and yet gone before cognition’s reply.

It is ever present

yet unilaterally undisclosed.

Now has no time as relative

and yet we are temporal with our inquiry.

Now never blinks nor winks

but completely fills the time that takes.

Now has little use for language

except as vaguery in its presence.

Now engulfs without

the slightest of persuasion

and releases without the press

of accountability’s tease.

Now is made up of everything

in its fullness

yet no mass is decidedly assigned.

Now has no interest

in details or particulars

and never bothers with a frame.

Now is all of art before it gets noticed

and lives on without a chance at fame.

Now is featureless in its essence

and basks without fulfillment’s pause.

Now is constantly pursued

by all the senses as paparazzi deeds.

Experience is counterfeit for now

yet we all pass it as the time of day.

Really, soon and now have never met!

In all honesty,

I am not even sure that

they are definitely related!

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