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Saturday, April 9, 2011

I saw her face Part 4 of 4

So the phone call would end

with her arrival

at a look-see

for future residence.

I, feeling

like a scribed half circle,

while the other half

was promised

with a return e-mail response

in two days hence.

Between the phone conversation

and then the inner dialogue

for me will continue.

Yes, embellished remembered

conversation with deductions,

empathic surmise

would arrive full-blown

about my self-circumstance

and hers.

Somewhere inside

I would come upon

other conversations

already occurred

that did not really exist

any more.

Two days would pass.

A week passed

without that circle response.

Two weeks came and gone.

It is off the screen.

Her life is back on

in reality forward.

The glimpse had come frontal,

like seeing someone

eye to eye in passing.

That long glance

given straight forwardly,

blessed and richly so

and then

to see her face

no more . . .

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