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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What is anger? (Part 3 of 5)

Yes, there is anger

as if contextually bound

by its fullness to a now,

as a conundrum

of compelling disbelief

yet acted upon

and acted out.

Is there something more

than just frustration behind it?

Is the sense of frustration,

the first internal self-bloodhound

to signal something

disturbing from within?

Is frustration really a pre-process

that wants answers

without really unfolding

the vastness of the internal terrain?

Is frustration really just

an exclamation for the benefit

of expectation’s resolve

and nothing more?

How appearance-loaded is life

and backstage mum is living?

Pealing back the layers

by repetitious attention

is to discover more charge

then cause,

more inward buzz

then outward circumstance.

Is this an imbalance

of the human predicament?

Is this a circumstance

where ‘reality’ truth

overwhelms ‘energetic’ truth

by substantiation,

rational construction,

the reach for conclusion’s positions,

as if safety were at hand

or knowing that you are loved

were one of the consensus

conclusions needed

to quell the storm from within?

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