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Sunday, February 20, 2011

The premise 5 of 7

Part 5

The unraveling

of the causal metaphor

associated with blame or guilt

is a compressing agent,

like self-judgment,

that now is apparently

revealed as to its hidden source

and available to be

set free from.

A different context in reframe,

is operationally shown

to reflect how the flow works

more efficiently

then the resistance method

ever could.

In the clearer realization

of the essential spirit,

the convoluted representation

of un-decipherable spirit

is both blessed and cursed

by the present personality

representing it

and eventually this personality

will not be sustained,

but diminish by the lack

of continued usage,

giving way to an inner creativity,

reframing and gaining

new witness and perspectives.

This combination,

of discovery and reframe,

with the direct re-participation

into that pain-filled process

with the blocks themselves,

will provide a demystification

operationally ongoing.

This means offers the emergence

of energetic expressions

that the inner self can embrace

and the outer self can acquire

and then be manifested

directly from each being’s presence.

It is an unblocking

of what would naturally occur

without the trauma circuit in place.

All of this could pass

in a moment

with the self-administration

of the right techniques

regularly available.

The reworking the Karmic Blueprint

by re-fabricing

this conscious awareness

is to include the whole

of transformation’s goal

of conscious spiritual destiny,

be it of tribal, family, bloodlines,

collective unconscious,

and direct spiritual lineage.

And that goal

is to arise out of small,

dense darkness of trauma

and to re-invest

in flow-wholeness of spirit.

That wholeness of spirit,

is for everyone,

connected to all of these aspects

as through the essential aliveness

inherent in each of them.

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