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Friday, July 2, 2010

Cancer is a car wreck part 2

Cancer is a car wreck

Part 2 of 3

Initially you say your lines

as if perplexed and in consternation.

Then eventually,

you say your lines as if prompted.

And then you say them

with the wrong inflection

or the wrong emotional delivery

but if you get good,

you come to say your lines

with conviction.

You say them from your heart

until they come to say you

as audience is once removed.

You see every one else's movie

in your own.

And you say

right through their movie

into yours and then into theirs

and there is no more audience . . . then

and once again . . . then

it is your life, once again.

Yes, over time,

there are unimaginable segways

but you survived them in to the now.

That now . . .

has no more waiting

or necessary fill!

That now is bubbling with fill

yearning fill . . .

longing fill . . .

as fill becomes considerations,

gratefulness, unexplained anger,

protocol procedures,

timely medications,

messages into response,

and the big time

of alone or aloneness,

depending on whose home

inside your inner you.

This now is moving

at a blistering pace

but that does not infer speed

just myopia

and further complications.

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