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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I’m signing my life away

It is not signing

as primarily with my hands.

I don’t lip read for assistance

though I do talk to myself

under shallow breaths.

My signing is not consensual.

I do it with my behavior

and within my conscious mind.

Face it,

reality is a disability state.

There is no apparent rehab.

My life is

an almost constant signage.

There is a complex of signals

towards any agreement

we commonly share.

It is from the outside in,

from the grossest

towards subtle.

The delivery system includes;

behavior, disposition, attitude,

speech, thoughts and feelings.

It is all truly

just reduced to signage.

I have agreed

to an undisclosed affirmation;

to be separate

as a human being

then make dedicated efforts

at communication work,

at agreement,

at shared reality

and common experience.

Such is the nature

of this signage.

It is all

a cumbersome of method

as I am signing my life away.

I sense the disparity,

confront the chasm,

accept the aloneness,


in the constant drills,

that separatism

by assumption subsidizes

to overcome the distance

and to justify the experience.

It is only then

I wholly reach

towards compensation

from this perception

as outcome.

All of this

objectification reality

is this disability state.

It is environmental

and I am here in it,

signing my life away . . .

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