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Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Empathy is an immersion state.

It is not so much

a duplication or mirror experience

as it is a willingness translated

into actuality.

It maybe from skill sets

so subtle in how a person moves

mood wise from one state

of self awareness to another

and then how that translates

into shifts of electrical

and chemical differences

within one’s own body

as it registers as the movement

of experience

from one thing to another.

Empathy suggests

that this transition

is now inclusive

of engagement

with another person.

Maybe it is a state

like psycho kinesis or telekinesis

in which a sensing skill

by some unclaimed means

provides for evidence

or documentation

from one person to another

by a kind of subtle broadcast

and reception

that is not commonly used

in normalized communication.

Maybe even the world

of vibes or hunches

are in close proximity

but yet unmentioned as such.

Certainly intuition must have

some borderline connection

to these properties

but also is represented

in such a different manner

as to not seem

at all directly related.

With empathy

there is the suggestion

of a broader spectrum

of caring and connection

then our rules

for individuation provide.

We somewhat pride ourselves

on secrecy of the self sense

and possibly only identical twins

are comfortable sharing

such common self sense together.

Yet all peoples have encounters

over the course of their lives

where these boundaries

come into question

in the interactions with others.

People stand too close

or look into the eyes of another

too long

or engage in some manner

seen as intrusive

by some standard

yet unclaimed until then

by a set of rules imposed

but not previously stated

that somehow there is

a common sense agreement about

though not by the letter of the law.

We all agreed

about incest and groping directly

but promiscuity and battering,

rough sex and offensive language

begins to be a debate

about circumstance and intention

and indefensible acts,

and once removed,

the allegations

and accountability offered

to explain and describe.

Empathy seems not to have

that kind of outcrop potential.

It is not restating its position

towards separateness

but is working towards expression

of deeper connection,

kindred, soul, and oneness.

Maybe when all is said and done

with the world of separatism,

years down the road,

we will admit to a stage

of collective conscious development

where by we had to individuate

to know how to come back

to a deeper sense of the collective

in a fuller and more complete way.

Maybe I mean centuries later!

This empathy is inherently there

but deeply embedded

and far away from the common

critical mass experience

as a consensual truth emerging.

You may know it

in your heart of hearts

upon rare occasions

but day-to-day

this is not a way of life

and a means

of community expression.

At best we agree

when there is a major disaster

to more commonly share

from this space

but that is broken down

by the return to more common

and prominent rituals

that we display as daily living

in the pursuit of individual means

and interests.

The greater intent is lost

in the personal myopia

we allow ourselves to invest in

as living.

Empathy has to knock on the door

and we have to answer aware

or it all passes by as unnoticed

and unsaid as our means.

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