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Saturday, April 17, 2010

The universality of brainworks (2)

Part two

The long version:

So as we came through

the forager/hunter society lifestyle,

our consciousness for then

had oral communication

as our means.

Outside of survival,

our higher mind activity

was based on mythology

as storytelling and metaphor.

Then we came into

hydrologic civilizations,

both in the east and west,

and we had writing,

some sense of national order,

and our monotheistic religions.

Around the world,

our higher minds

were bound by religious principles

and their rules

for this civilized sense of order.

Then, after centuries

of those variations,

we came into

the first industrial revolution

and we had print literacy available.

There was

an ideological consciousness

of higher mind developed

and present for then.

People began to function

under the notions of sense

and sensibility, rationalism

and romantic response

for their direction.

Then we came into

the second industrial revolution,

as the age of electricity

and we, as a consciousness,

advanced into

a psychological consciousness

as a basis for being.

People developed

a therapeutic understanding

of being

as a basis of awakening

into a new advancing frame

of self-reference.

And that took us

to the end of the twentieth century

in consciousness advancement.

Now, at the outset

of the third industrial revolution,

as the advancement of technology

really alters our brainwork lives

in this, the millennial generation,

we are immersed extensively

in that technology.

It is as an influence in method,

habit and style,

both personally and culturally

so much so,

that our central nervous systems

are genuinely altered.

Our global awareness is impending

and constantly present all around

as we enter

into this biosphere awareness

as part of our daily life.

At this point,

I look back on the two principles

mentioned in part one:

the use of the referential world

as a workout gymnasium

for the operative brainwork’s methods

and the vast and varied uses

of being referential, basically,

either polarization and or harmonics.

All along, the transformative nature

of this process upon humans

has lead us to a procession

of models and methods

towards something more essential

and more collective in the nature

of human endeavor.

We are at the cutting edge

of another leap of being

and therefore consciousness.

Each timeframe described,

would have seemed so radical

from what timeframe preceded it.

Yet, here we are

in the first formal stages

of imminence,

hardly aware, hardly committed

but surely drawn

as if all else is less prominent

and our needs and circumstance

have brought us

reluctantly to this point.

Never before have we all been

so much part of the oneness

and the grandness of that oneness

as so necessarily

and unavoidably relevant as now.

All humans as one

to unite in thought, consciousness,

needs and deed.

As much as the planet itself

was always a backdrop

of lesser consideration,

it has now, by scale

and necessity of integration,

come to the fore.

Namely, humans and the planet

have to commune together,

share brain, share consciousness,

act in accord and alliance.

Until now, we, the humans,

have been the fallout,

the prodigals,

the myopic self-involved

as juvenile participants

in this process.

We have been closed

to the bigger picture

and the play of life in that regard.

We have staged ourselves

as self-relevant

at the expense

of the planet’s functional support

for our being here.

And now, by the sheer shift

of our consciousness,

to a larger scale or relevance

in which we dance

as though partnered

and now we need to listen

to the melody

and learn of the lyrics

and sing in some sense of unison

and chorus our lives accordingly.

Our brains,

by method and usage,

have brought us

to a medium of consciousness

in which we are potentially

as a collective towards oneness,

as a species,

coming from the world

of individuation

and a world

of sophisticated differences,

now to seek communion

and consciousness as harmonic,

as empathetic, as symbiotic,

where like attracts like

is a way for conscious living.

There is really

nothing more to say

and everything

to compassionately

commune and convey.

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