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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Eulogy by idiosyncrasies

He’s off . . .

often shadow boxing

with another world.

He fought the invisible enemy

with self-placations.

He was a smooth operator

before finding the words.

He was half man . . .

half the other person.

Always lead with a fistful

of thoughts

but knew the emotional canvass

face to face.

He was, in all ways,

a compassionate stranger

in the making.

He worked on and with

lifetimes from before.

He was a daydreamer . . .

made easy.

He had a critical eye

for the psychology of color.

He wrote his own songs . . .

soulfully so.

He fought off sisterhood

on his own terms.

He became his own role model

by talking to himself.

He dreamed

in both English and in Spanish,

and had bilingual personalities

with distinct presences.

He always rethought

the way he felt.

He suffered the collective suffering

for all souls.

Internally he argued against

everything being his fault.

He questioned reality

as the right fit for himself.

He could not save a dime

and live.

He liked the hustle and bustle

of play.

He wanted emotional satisfaction

more than anything.

Privately . . . he was more than

his own curious find.

Esthetically, he was always

a head above himself.

He had a restive mood

when beauty was present.

He fought off bad habits

in his own time.

Always a better world . . .

could be his response

one remark away.

He knew life was served

with a side order of fantasy.

He didn’t always have the words

for his fight with feelings.

He could have always been

your brother.

He had looks

he knew he had

and used them.

He got way smarter

when he got interested.

Sometimes his truth telling

was way beyond the call.

He always was an easy reader

of humanity’s ride.

He was up for

being knowledgeable

of current social events.

He could sip another person

deeply and not tell.

He wanted a Harley

but in a kinder and gentler way.

He had lots of secrets

growing in the orchard

of his mind.

His family home life

was always his living dream.

Thanked God

he did not become a soldier

this lifetime.

He should have painted portraits

and written more songs.

He had a whimsical smirk

that worked as a greeting.

He was always

internally badgered

by emotional concerns.

Women sensed

that he could be . . .

one of them.


he lived other people’s lives

as an extension of his.

He was quick with common sense

but not blatant or flashy.

He always wished for a real dad

but never demanded.

He was capable

of being refined

but was too curious to do so.

He had another side

that everybody always suspected.

He wanted a real nice car

but his life demanded a pickup.

He was as “in with the guys”

as an honest loner can be.

Sure there was a stage

and we were all on it

with him . . .

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