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Monday, February 8, 2010

Seeking earth’s forgiveness

Where thoughts are

underscored acts of separation,

mindsets make familiarity a prison

and symbols are sins

of false collective agreement

against our commonness as soul.

When understanding

is our mental method

of distancing ourselves

by what we come to know

like the general usage

of the TV news

and our naming of everything

is our form of entitlement

or species condescension

then choice as we know to use it

becomes our insular iron maiden

over heart

and in spite of all of that flack

still opposites attract

and likes to likes

create us as our light.

We are all one living brain.

Self-consciousness separates us all

from that oneness principle applied.

Ironically we are one joy away

as we are one pain towards

and yet we are the paradox

as we become a next thought.

The planet is our confessor

for sins against ourselves.

Nature is the recipient

of all are acting out.

Politics is our vanity

across this world as stage

as we are each other’s absence

from our lives both on

and as the earth.

We are mere projections

of our own denial as the reward.

Earth as our worldwide dance floor

is very worn down.

To hear it as humans tell,

there is music to our madness,

as we unabashedly reveal

that we are out of step

and sing off key,

that we, who are all of we,

are a chorus of world melody,

that we, who could think

in global thoughts and sounds,

are in some parallels

with earth-brain’s synapses

towards a greater whole.

For there are rarely

human conclusions

that are truly done

only for earth’s sake.

To that end though

that we learn by receptivity

and not by recognition,

that what we do is not by isolation

but by being over doing,

that what we give out

is a forum of what we give back,

that we are intrusion’s sake

seeking earth’s forgiveness.

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