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Friday, January 22, 2010


Armed robbery

has enough drama, subplots,

a minimal script, basic theme,

and spontaneous responses

that even though it may be lacking

because of its ambiguous beginnings

of trying to get everyone

on the same page

and general stoic lack of movement,

except for get-a-ways,

that no one ever thought of this

up till now . . .

The idea being,

to make an off-Broadway show about it

called “Robbery”.

Now, I know . . . but wait.

Look, on the up side.

Since it could finance itself,

depending upon the size

of the establishments used

and relative to the numbers

of reluctant but paying customers.


And the frequency of occurrences

needed to be considered

as having a running schedule

for an ongoing show?


And the marketing

and advertising costs,

sort of covered from the get go.


It would either be minimal

or of no concern,

since by word of mouth,

although alarm,

would accomplish much the same

and no one in particular

would need be fretting about reviews

since the notoriety and public interest

would be building serially as a given.

But then, there could be a problem.

If it wasn’t staged,

sort of . . . too spontaneous

so that it was just really seen

as a natural phenomenon unfolding,

much like suicide or car accidents

or lost luggage or swine flu.

Damn it!

Consider the reframe!

This could be life!

And the only moneymaking venue

about it would then be

that it’s news!

So this isn’t really

so steadfast theatrical!

This is only . . . news worthy.

Well eventually news worthy.

Hey it’s still a captive audience,

relative to the attention grabbed!

There is some sense

of entertainment provided,

(pain body attention usage provided).

I know, so don’t start with me.

There are enough pain-body movies

out there

that are all considered entertainment!

Look, there are paying customers.

Well, no . . .

Somehow it’s just not the same.

I was thinking maybe

I had something special here.

Some way of celebrating the culture

with all of its members,

although randomly selected,

potentially present

and eventually,

maybe delightfully so,

fifteen minutes of pseudo fame, etc.

But no.

It could be just bad reality TV.

Sure it’s topical

and yes,

somewhat adrenal and seedy,

but really not so much a good idea.

It sort of already is in existence,

in an off off off-Broadway kind of way.

Hell, there is an electronic version

already in the market place

that is much more personalized to boot!

And the title itself

is much more catchy than Robbery.

It’s called Identity Theft!

What was I thinking?

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