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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Never as a solution (re-post)

we can never be

as a solution

though we seem well suited

to witness this as false claim

but not to actually

and authentically

release ourselves

from what holds us back

no one of us

is holding us back from now

whatever we are to be

is made clear

by our self as present

yet we share

what we ask of our self

as rhetorical questions

we represent

what is withheld from us

as our clamor for personal worth

will what we claim we need

ever be what sets us free?

we are the true benefits

of our natural spiritual connections

we have been calling out

since the beginning

as consciousness

to speak it more directly

so as cause and journey

as rich opportunities

of how to proceed

yet we have the kind of karma

that haunts us

much like a kind of spiritual autism

and we fall into this blind within

not having the senses

to forthright live it

and so to speak

if this bind

is not effortless in its release

then it is only as our acts of will

that resistance resides

for there is no certitude

in evolution that unfolds it

commitment has to be

from the flow of being

and not from judgment

of the common mind put forth

we do not want to play

at life as metaphor

yet we want to be

in the oneness expressed

to be the exploration

of the candid truth of being

where what is method of spirit

is used

where we live ourselves alive

by being behind doing

our ability

to language those places

is not the same

as being from it

yet it is not what we say

but more importantly

where from within

we say it

spirit-to-spirit is not preferential

to our reality whims

a common vast pain

is that within each sentence

put forth

there is an unconscious notion

of control

trust from where within we are

is not a contract

but a surrender

to our higher self of being

only our communing of mind

is holding it as separate

we all eventually share

in the sweet love

of oneness as residual

we all agree

and call forth to seek from within

gratefulness goes without saying

as sacredness goes

without a mind to notice

as its reward

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