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Sunday, September 13, 2009

The charisma of now

it comes through on everyone

even if only as minor glimmers

or flashes amidst the unexpected

or deeply muted, possibly as glow

that takes a steady gaze to see

or people who broadly shower it

as a flountaining

and even rarer as an ongoing river

the charisma of now

has no handle for directing it

if it is, it is not intentional

there is no management in residence

no one in charge of dealing it out

on a per unit basis

it is that it is lit

and has escaped control

all people have this

in secret amounts

but few create passage

of either openness or unending

the charisma of now

is something akin

to blood in the water

where we all find ourselves to be

piranha of interest in our searching

and if we come to find

this blood of charisma

a frenzy is set off and a feeding

of phenomenon intake is upon us

normally charisma presence does not set off

others into charisma release of their own

our shortcut reality premise was to experience

what is present as a delight of absorption

so the priorities for us dramatically shift

and we as the feed is on

until it is all gone

or more likely has silently gone away

the charisma of now

maybe the future of ‘presence’ politics

it just hasn’t been perfected adequately yet

but the training programs are in place

media searches for the ‘it’ factor

where ‘it’ can be found

reality shows scrounge for ‘it’

even in its darkened abnegative forms

crisis or catastrophic

chaos or clinical

calamity or cataclysmic

they all seem to be current doorways

to a viewable and curious charisma

the charisma of now

maybe in a pejorative phrase by this means

since it is about leverage from broadcast

not so much presence into source

for me the phrase ‘charisma of now’

represents an empty-fullness

a life full with and flowing out

without audience

and before experience concurs as guidelines

as directives for a sense of self as being

the charisma of now is not subjugated

it just is as it flows and unfolds

as we all are possessors

by our spirit as means

if we set aside our matured self sense

all of it even the storied parts

and return to the childlike of early on

even before the claim of innocence

our best rebirth in it has that presence

somehow lost or diminished or abandoned

there it is as we are from then

committed to that journey

full circle as it may be so

to return to

the charisma of now

as ever this ‘the now’

is that invitation

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